Forum Replies Created
That is a good idea. The only way to get messages to show up currently is to have a lock and key in hand. I’ll see about adding messages that show up anytime when a block is locked to alert other players.
Thanks. I like some of your ideas here. Thanks for being so descriptive. Cabinets have been a popular request for quite some time. I think you presented some pretty interesting ideas for cabinets. The market crates is a pretty interesting idea too. I like the idea of something you can throw stacks of things into then just pull out a single item at a time. I will definitely keep some of this stuff in mind for a future update.
There was actually a mod that did this back in I think Minecraft 1.4.7, but I don’t believe they ever updated to 1.5.x or beyond.
This would be awesome to have. I’m sure it is possible in one way or another, (technically, anything is possible, it is another matter if I can figure out how to do it or not ;)). The main challenge I think would be capturing and saving images I think. With the painting frames, the rendering the images in the world part is basically already there. Images could be a real challenge though, I’m just not sure, I have no experience with that kind of stuff.
I like the idea of having a tripod camera the best I think. I would probably want to make the model look like a really old camera, like one of the first cameras ever made. They are usually a real boxy style and would look good in Minecraft I think.
Polaroid and digital camera ideas, while I like the ideas, just feel too modern for BiblioCraft / Minecraft. You have some interesting ideas with the fixed camera mount. I think some of that could be integrated right into the single tripod camera block.
Anyway, thanks for the ideas. Hopefully one day in the future I can try to do something like this.
The keywords in the config also support spaces and periods too, so you may be able to enter like “information tablet” or the entire unlocalized name. The keywords will search both localized and unlocalized names. If you don’t know the unlocalized name for an item, there is a creative only item in BiblioCraft that isn’t listed on the website called the “ItemStack Name Tester” which is just a book like item that has a gui. Right click with it on your hotbar to open the GUI, drop in an item and will give you the unlocalized name.
If you want, you can post the unlocalized name for me and I will add it to the default list so next time I put out an update it will be part of it.
Hope that helps.
Yup, thats what the forum is here for, suggestions.
I think it will make it much easier for me to go back and look over suggestions when the mood strikes when they are in their own forum like this.
This is something else that was brought up awhile back that I would like to implement. Some way to tell pictures apart better. Maybe even a tooltip popup type thing that shows a larger image with maybe a correct aspect ratio and some text to indicate the image name.
A folder sorting system would be pretty nice. I’m not sure how difficult it would be to implement. But a list of folders like they were catagories you could click on and see the image set. That would be awesome. I’ll look into that sometime too.
I’m all for you posting any painting packs you would like, but we probably do have to try to avoid sharing copyrighted images unless you had permission from the copyright owner. I think you can search google images for creative commons images and anything in that category would be perfectly ok to share.
Yeah, I think that would be kind of nice too. This is something that was requested on the minecraft forum as well. Getting everything to rotate and place properly is a big job, which is the only reason I haven’t done it yet, but I’ll keep this in mind for some future update.
@Pipou22 said:
Yes, I’m using adblock plus, and shield for chrome. This answer is done with IE, and I could have a look at your site. Bravo, sir, well done ! I take the opportunity to say that Bibliocraft is on top of my favorite mods, very clean and full of useful things. Cheers !Ok, thanks. I’ve tested with adblock, but not shield, I’ll give that a go and see if I can duplicate the issue and go from there.
Also, Thanks! Glad you enjoy the mod. 😀
@Pipou22 said:
Hello Nuchaz, The links don’t work for me either. I am using Chrome. Eager to discover your new site !Edit: I have tested it with IE, works well.
Are you using any plugins in chrome? This is the first report I’ve heard of issues in chrome. I’m pretty sure problem is related to javascript, since the menus use a bit of javascript, which is pretty standard for wordpress, I’m just not sure yet what is going on.
@xbowenaero said:
Your links are not working. I’ve clicked almost everything but my cursor remains the same.Are you by chance using firefox with the NoScript plugin? I’ve ran into a few issues with that plugin that I haven’t been able to solve yet. If not, what browser are you using and what plugins, if any, do you have installed?
I can definitely see how that would be nice. I almost either need to create the tech so I can double up 2 bookcases in a single block, which is something that has been requested a lot, it is just very difficult, maybe even taking a rewrite of the bookcase, or I could create some sort of specialized corner version of the bookcase that would be designed to just fill in corners.
I’ll keep this idea in mind for the future.
@Zulluh said:
Just wow dude, been using your mod and visiting this page since I started modding minecraft, one of those mods I can’t keep away from my list of essential ones.Thank you so much.
Thanks! 😀
@BaconStrips18 said:
Can you update BiblioCraft to 1.8 and maybe add some new furniture so people who like 1.8 better can play and so I can play because I’am making a modpack for 1.8 and I hope you update it because your mod is awesome.If you re-read my 5th paragraph in the news post above, you’ll see I outlined my plan for updating to 1.8. 😉
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