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  • in reply to: Biblio Craft – Forestry #1018

    The furniture paneler that I added to the base BiblioCraft basically replaces the need for the bibliowoods since it accomplishes the same goal. Only you can use any solid block instead of only woods. That is why I quit updating the bibliowoods.

    I am sort of considering updating the forest bibliowoods, at least to stop the crash, since it is causing a number of headaches it seems. It depends on what it takes for me to update. I haven’t tested yet and seen what exactly needs to happen, but if it is simple enough, I might go ahead and update the forestry bibliowoods and fix the crash.

    in reply to: draw distance of very large paintings #1017

    I am looking into this. I just did some research, and I think there might be a way I can increase it, but I’m not sure yet until I do some experimenting. If I can get it working, I’ll see about adding a config option to set the render distance so you would be able to set it as high as you would like.

    in reply to: The Death Compass disappeared= = #1016

    I think there is another mod or two that is giving me issues with this. I have heard of a potential issue with optifine, but I could never verify. Also, I’ve wondered if other mods that save stuff from you inventory when you die could have anything to do with it. I’m really not sure what mod causes it or why it happens, but it is an issue. If you figure out what mod it is, let me know so I can easily reproduce it and maybe I can figure out a fix.

    in reply to: Make an option for paiting frame to be invisible #1002

    You can actually do this now if you use the borderless painting frames. When you open the GUI, if you look at the top of the screen you should see a button that says “hide frame”. When the frame is hidden, you can also walk through it so they could be used in front of secret doorways or whatever.

    in reply to: Crash with Framed Chest + RedLogic Bundled Cable #993

    Thanks for the report. I’ll look into it and try to figure out a fix as soon as I get some time.

    You should be able to open your world back up by going into the config file and disabling changing the option to disable renderers then you can remove the wire from the chest.


    in reply to: Painting Press #986

    As of right now, that feature only works with the built paintings and the separate sizes are hardcoded. I might expand that system to work with the custom paintings at some point, but as of now, they will only appear as separate images. The only reason I haven’t done that is it is a bit more complicated to do.

    Thats a good idea with the tool tip. I’ve been wanting to add better painting tooltips that maybe even display a larger version of the painting when hovering, or when holding Ctrl or something. Text is real easy to do, rendering the images is a good bit more work. So yeah, I’ll definitely be doing something about that in a future update.

    in reply to: BiblioCraft v1.11.0 Released! #985

    Yeah, there shouldn’t be any issues with the BiblioWoods stuff and BiblioCraft v1.11.x

    in reply to: Crash when removing custom pictures. Please help. #972

    Can you post a copy of the crash log? It shouldn’t be crashing. There should be a painting not found kind of texture showing up, but that should be the only issue. I tried to make it compatible with servers while still letting clients use whatever paintings they want.

    If your running the server, I believe there is a way to force a texture pack on clients who join the server, that might be a way to get a server wide painting pack going that works for everyone.

    in reply to: Three requests incuding storage #969

    Thanks for the suggestions. :)

    As you noticed, most of this was requested already, but I’ll just consider this as increased interest in said suggestions.  I am definitely considering this stuff for some future update. If I did cabinets, I would try to make them generic looking enough they would fit in well in a library or a kitchen. But yeah, library stuff is kind of more the focus of this mod.

    in reply to: Minecraft Crashes #968

    Hmmm, I’m not sure what to make of this error off the top of my head.

    Is this crash happening on game load, before you get to the menu, or on world load, after the menu, or after the world is loaded and you do something or look a certain direction?

    in reply to: Lag spikes after installing Bibliocraft #940

    Glad to hear you got it worked out. Sorry I wasn’t able to respond sooner,  it’s been crazy busy with college this last week. That permgen space issue is one that comes up when running very many big mods in minecraft. 256MB should be plenty, I’ve never had to set it higher than that.

    in reply to: Extreme lags #937

    For map frames, there is one thing you might be able to tweak to improve performance. There is a config option that effects the update of the map. By default, it is set to 10, which if I remember correctly means it will update the map 10 times per second (or per 20 ticks in game). If you lower that number, it will reduce the speed the maps update and might help improve performance.

    Other than that, there isn’t much that can be done. I’ve done some optimizations and stuff since the older releases, so it might be better in a newer version, but I know that doesn’t help you if you’re playing on v1.6.4.

    in reply to: Road Marker signs #936

    I like this idea, especially the integration with the tape measure. I’ll definitely keep this in mind for a future update. :)

    in reply to: BiblioCraft v1.10.6 Released! #911

    Sorry, still not 1.8 compatible. I did some looking recently at forge for 1.8 and it is still missing some things I need to update. So at this point, I am still waiting on forge to catch up to where it is in 1.7.10. I suspect that is the main reason we haven’t really seen any of the major mods update that add custom models. I am currently working on another feature update for 1.7.10, so there is that coming.

    in reply to: Lantern Post and New Lantern Variant #906

    Proper lantern posts are something I think a few people would like to have. The classic wrought iron, black hand pounded metal stuff would look nice too. I might consider doing that.

    I think you have some interesting suggestions about making lights that can turn on / off with the daylight. That seems like something that would make sense for the outdoor lamps on lamp posts. Maybe that could even be a function that is part of the lamp posts instead of the lamps.

    Also, on the topic of 1.8, I looked into forge recently and it is still missing a couple things I need, so I still can’t update. I thought they had the obj model loader in, but I updated my dev environment and it doesn’t seem to be the case. There seems to be a pull request on the forge github where someone put together an obj loader like i need, but it hasn’t been added to forge yet. In the mean time I am working on another update for 1.7.10. So we got that coming. :)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by NucHaz NucHaz.
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