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I am glad that your not angry like many would be .
and about stupid questions my old school teacher did learn me that .
stupid question do not exist !!! .
so I am sorry for saying it was ! .about MC 1.8 its allot of work for a one man show like NucHaz to update his mod to 1.8.9 .
and MC 1.8 is like not finish at all so why update Biblio to 1.8 if its better to update to 1.8.9 .
i have run MC 1.8 and my pc is like a overkill in power to run MC 1.9 now 1.8 is like giving me allot of lag and it give me allot of crashes cause its not running that well at all .
i am running MC 1.7.10 with like 35 Mods and my game save is almost 240 GB big .
i have not found the end of the map yet.
there are allot of mods to make 1.7.10 look like 1.9 .
I know that you see the new MC versions and then you want to use them like so many other people .
I would love to do the same but then my entire game save will be lost all over again .
and all the work many players did needs to be done again .
the point is why update at all ??? .and why would a ask that !!! .
cause for as far I know Notch soled MC to Microsoft when he finished 1.7.10 .
i Believe he was involved in the making of 1.8 but its not really his work any more .
about Microsoft !!!! .
they will F us all over for more Money and they show this whit the Mods that ask for money to use them .
these mods are for 1.8 and higher .
1.9 got allot of these Mods at the moment and allot of MC players have gone lost cause of this .
my Private server is running 1.7.10 and all the players have asked me not to update any more .
for 2 reasons .
they all hate Microsofts guts !!! .
and there is to much work that will be lost .
its a private server and i only take in players that know players in real life in our city Eindhoven .
I do not ask any money Cause the server is standing in my seller .
and you will need the IP to enter and that works with trusting real people with it .
so the group of people I can trust is very Slowly growing .
we are 28 people big and we have had a big crash a few moths ago cause of the Biblio update and plenty o biomes .we did rebuild about the half of the map again and we are still working our asses of today on 7 big City’s on our map .
many players were going mad when we lost it all cause of the new Updates .
so that is why we also hate Microsofts Guts like H .what you want is up to you .
and Can understand you want a Update for 1.8 .
and that s what NucHaz will give by updating to 1.8.9 .
cause u can also use the update of 1.7.10 on MC 1.7 it works fine .
so I am sure the Update of 1.8.9 will also work on 1.8 .and again thanks for not going angry at me for calling your question stupid .
I am sorry I did .Greetz Chaos-Extreme AKA The.NL.Pirate.King
seriously you are asking this !!! ??? .
so you did not read what NucHaz already posted on this topic !!! ??? .
maybe your to lazy to read stuff ??? I don’t know but your better of if you do read before asking stupid questions !!!! .
your question would not of been stupid if it was not asked before but is has been asked before and more then one’s !!!! .
and that makes your question stupid for sure .
now before you go angry like many people would .
here is your Answer NucHaz gave about 2 months ago !!!!!
<div class=”bbp-reply-content”>Progress is slowly but surly. I’ve went through and fixed the majority of the 3D models and prepped them for the update. I’ve gotten a lot of the ground work laid to rewrite everything in a much better way. Things should be much easier to maintain and addon to in the future with the way I am doing it. I’ve got a couple of the models working and some of the functionality started. Now that my basic template is almost in place, it should be pretty easy to get everything added.
My biggest hurdle right now is just time. College keeps me crazy busy most of the time, but I only got like 5 more weeks in this semester after which I plan to focus on getting BiblioCraft updated to 1.8.9 and then to 1.9.x soon after. I won’t have any classes again until august, after which I also plan to take a lighter class load so I have more time to do other stuff like BiblioCraft.
first i was like yeah when will it be done
but now i know NucHaz is busy with school and that is a good thing
and i have also learned that 1.8 is kinda very heavy for laptops when the try to ad mods
allot of people cant run mods in 1.8 on a laptop also desktops with not so much power cant handle
to many Mods while running 1.8so its better to stick with 1.7.10
its a smaller and better running engine then the 1.8 for as far as i can understand
so why not ad stuff to the mod that is also added in the 1.8 version of MCthere are many mods to be found
and the most of them only work in 1.7.10
about 40% of all the mods there are today are also working in MC 1.8
but the game is getting very heavy for allot of MC users with low gear computersif there is the possibility to ad stuff in 1.7.10 without making the game to heavy
then it think its way better then just upgrading Biblio to 1.8
if i could decide about it it would be a no go for the upgrade
but more options like adding the doors from 1.8 into this mod
so we could use it in 1.7.10 togreets C.E
i am going to hope that it will be possible
to simply ad the new stuf of 1.8.x to 1.7.10 without needing to run 1.8.x
restarting a map you are on for many months becomes a pain in the ass !!!
especially if allot of items became something ells !!!!
so lets just hope there is someone who can update 1.7.10
with all the stuff 1.8.x gotalso we need to understand why Microsoft is so slow in updating MC
also why are there no good Mod Making programs yet
making mods for MC must become easy for every one
Microsoft can make a good working easy to use mod maker programthat would change allot and open up allot of options
so MC will go on and on for years to come !!!!Its to bad i did not made a backup of my old world
i started all over jup and i have not used Optifine yetabout MC 1.8 the only reason to play that version would be for the Wood options
on doors
for now 1.7.10 still runs fine and got enough options for game play
i am running the Furniture mod at the moment
with applecore
and i am looking for a good food mod
more food and recipes but no extra stoves ore stuff cause i got 2 alreadyi have started all over on a new Journal Book
and i wil not place the type setting table ore the book press till the book is done !i am afraid it wil do the same thing if i do place it to early
any way
could you ad a like a crafting table ore maybe change a crafting table so it works the same as the
Furniture Paneler
so you would not need to open up the table any more 😀
now that would be cooland please take a look at the door option of MC 1.8
maybe you could ad that in your mod to
and 1.8 will no longer be needed by many many faitfull players 😀greets Chaos-Extreme
back again
and i have blown of allot of steam
i got a fresh start on a new map but how to start with biblio
and it working ??
do i need to use MC 1.7.10 ore ???
i am going to need help cause i want to start over
but i dont want to lose books and maps after 1 year ore ever againwhat is the best MC version to run it
what Forge version ???
do i need Optifine yes or no ??? if yes what version ???cause i want to start over within now and no time
and i dont want to end like it did today ever againgreets
waiting with patients
Well I did have a try ! Nuchaz
in a new world it works there is just one thing
when i place the book on the type setting table and its blue
i can open up the table and see my own name
the name of the book is in white letters and is almost unreadablenow about what you say that i would not lose my books
they are gone lost my journal of 6 months writhing is gone
my map is crashing every time i try to load it
and i have lost about 1 year of work in survival stylei made maps 5 wide 5 high 0n the scale 1/5 all gone
all the work gone losti am not angry and i am not mad
i am very very sad and disappointed
just lost 1 year of work
like 7 hours of work 6 day’s a week
one entire year long and its all gonemy books are not even in the game any more
i did try to place them back but then the game did not even start any more
it gave me a crash report over and over
taking the books out made the game run
but also made my save crashso i deleted all of Minecraft on my Desktop here
i just finished with the reinstallation of MC
and now i am back where i started 1 year ago !!!!and the mod is working
i just tested is it works
the type setting table is a little strange like i sad beforethanks for losing all my work !!!
not working
all the books are out of the folder
and the Type-setting table still not working
also the game sound is gone !?!?
if i load MC without Biblio the sound is working
with Biblio the game sound is gone !!!and i need to load my world 2 times before it wants to run at all !!!
do i need to Erase all the books i have made in the game to ???if your answer is yes then i will lose 2 books that took me months of writhing
greets Pirate.NLhello Nuchaz
happy new year 😀 and many to come
i hope you will see this Reply soon
Cause i have a problem with Bibliocraft
i am running windows-7
and MC 1.7.10 with Forge
also the latest version of Bibliowhen i started using Biblio the entire mod worked
its a great mod and i love it very much
i made some books and build allot of great structures and buildings with the mod
a big worldbut i have a problem now cause the type setting table is not working any more
i can place a book ant it will turn Blue while shift right klicking it
it will not turn up in the table it self
also the printing press will no longer print books
it turns normal books in Big-Writhing-Books
ore it simply uses all the ink ant the book never gets printednow i really need those 2 to print out the journals i writhe
about the world i have buildcan you try and find out how to fix this
greets of a great fan of Biblio
Pirate.nlwaiting for 4 days in a row
and no answer makes me worry allot
i still cant use the type-setting Table
and i cant even press books that already existhope to get a answer soon cause waiting and waiting sucks like …
greets ChaosExtreme
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