I just posted BiblioCraft v1.11.3 to the downloads page and to curseforge. This update fixes an issue with Forestry 4.x that has caused a few crashes or with Forestry v4.1+ caused the furniture paneler to get the incorrect texture. There is still an issue with the BiblioWoods Forestry addon, but I am not really planning to update that anymore. The furniture paneler will accomplish the same goal so I would recommend using that instead.
I also fixed a bug with the big book in this update that caused anything you typed that wasn’t saved to get reset if you resized the game window with the book open. Finally I added a config option that allows you to set the render distance of paintings in painting frames. The default distance is 64 blocks and can be adjusted to any positive number. This is for people with more powerful computers who would like to see larger paintings from a much further distance.
Head on over to the downloads page to grab the newest version. If you have any comments, questions, or issues feel free to leave a comment on this post, post in the forums on this website, post on the official forum thread on the minecraft forums or create an issue on Github. Enjoy!
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